Thursday, December 8, 2011

Overcoming Lack Affective Communication via Multimedia in Teaching

Affective communication is communicating with someone (or something) either with or about affect. The way of Affecting others is in a sense of emotions, as well as conveying the message rather than emphasizing on the messages alone.

There are ways to overcome the lack of affective communication when using multimedia in teaching process. For school students, plain conventional method would lead students' attention astray for this generation are used into having high-tech materials in their daily lives.

1. Computer as tool – Provide softwares that students can use. however, the teachers must be the one who are in control of the softwares.

2. Computer as mediator – to use pics and etc to show how are the procedures and guide.

3. Computer as teacher – use games, models to help learners learn hands on.

4. Strategies of learning – comerate all learning strategies, using multimedia as another method to facilitate that.

5. Approach used – aware of the approach used to prevent clashing of purpose. Eg, use multimedia as model, as topic holder for discussion, writing and brainstorming.


  1. It is undeniable that by using multimedia in teaching can enhance the process of learning. Nevertheless, how good the technologies are, they cannot replace teachers in term of effective communication with students, but they will actually replace teachers who do not be able to handle the technologies. So this is where the benefit of utilizing multimedia in teaching comes in when teachers are capable to teach with the aid of multimedia, besides the ability to communicate with the students.

    Diana Jopes (A 129388)

  2. The multimedia-aided teaching and learning really works to enhance the process of learning. Personally I love to learn through colours and animation, rather than skimming and scanning the plain, dull textbooks which will make me feel sleepy. Besides, long distance learners can also make it through by using CALL- computer assisted language learning etc.

    aisha hassan

  3. Thank you for the information. The information shows that how technology plays big role in the education system.

    FATIN NADIAH A129393

  4. terima kasih atas segala informasi.segala informasi yang anda berikan sangatlah relevan dan sangat berguna untuk diterapkan kepada guru2 dan saya berharap agar segala pendapat anda dapat diambil iktibar oleh guru2 mahupun bakal2 guru kelak.

    hassan bin mustafa afifuddin

  5. Thank you for all of the comments. The reason behind the discussed topic is not to apposed the advantages brought forth by technology advancement in teaching and learning (P&P) but to strengthen the pedagogy to make it more pragmatic. In context of language learning and teaching, emotional support from teachers is important to promote the usage of Standard English without the interference of L1.

  6. I agree that technology help in learning and studies.However the implementation of any technology in learning process must be check whether it is safe or not. This is because, our student cannot be exposed to unnecessary contents that will give bad influences onto them. Teachers must play their important role to guide or help student in the learning processes.

    Umar Adli B. Amran @ Mohamad Zaki
